Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Four Paws Kingdom, Rutherfordton, NC

Arrived at 4 Paws on Saturday, June 30 for a five day stop. We've been here before and always have such a nice time. The other campers are always so friendly. The common interest in dogs always makes striking up a conversation so easy. Of the people we've met, Karen & Tina, from Hartford, CT and their dogs Journey, a chocolate lab, and Jake the Mutt, Karen's ill behaved "son", stand out. We've really enjoyed their company. It's funny; in a dog park environment, we seem to remember the dogs names rather than the peoples. Met the wonderful "parents" of Startsky the golden retriever, Milo and his sister ??, the miniature dauxhund (sp?), Marnie the gorgeous Australian shepherd and Finnegan the Iris Setter.
The campground, as the name suggests, is very much orientated around people who travel with dogs. http://www.4pawskingdom.com/
On Saturday night we went to a "Old World Fare" dinner prepared by the German born owner's, Bridgett and Meik. Had Hungarian goulash, black forest schnitzel, smoked bratwurst, on & on. On Saturday we joined in the Dog Olympiad. An assortment of dog games. That night we entered the Chili Cook-off contest. Didn't win but had such a nice time with all the other people we met here. On Monday, Carol painted a bandanna for Gopher. See the photo. Tuesday was a Day at the Beach for the dogs.
Today is the 4th of July. Went blackberry picking on the nature trail. With some pushing & pulling, I was able to get Carol's scooter onto the trail. Really wish they made 4 wheel drive scooters. After that it was swim time for the dogs. In the evening we joined in on the pot luck supper. Had a wonderful day.

Leaving in the morning with Burlington, VT being our goal by July 23rd before we go to Mystic for the reunion. We'll be travelling north from here through VA, WV,PA & NY. Going to stop by Niagara Falls. Never been there before.