Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Southeast Lazy Daze Rally Tuckahoe, MD

Arrived at the Tuckahoe State Park near Queen Ann, MD on Monday the 21st of May for a get together of the Southeast Lazy Daze Club. There were ten rigs there. Everyone was surprised when Tedd and MaryLou showed up. Hadn't seen them since January of 2006. Since we last met, they had through hiked the Appalachian Trail. On Monday we all had subs for dinner. On Tuesday we went to Tilghman (pronounced Tillman) Island, MD for a two hour ride on a Skipjack sail boat, the Rebecca T. Rurak. It was built in 1886 and is the oldest Coast Guard registered boat in America. Carol stayed on shore with Dorothy Wockenfuss. Dorothy is from Tilghman Island and had been on the Chesapeake Bay since she was a child. After the wonderful cruise we had dinner at the Chesapeake House restaurant on the island. Carol had crab cakes. The best ever. After dinner, Dorothy's cousin Larry Gowe talked about the life of a Chesapeake Bay waterman. all about fishing, crabbing and oystering. A fascinating talk. On Wednesday we went to the Adkins Arboretum for a guided walk.

Wednesday night was the ice cream social followed by the Pot Luck supper on Thursday.