Sunday, September 9, 2007

Boothbay, Lazy Daze Rally

On Wednesday we drove to Boothbay, Maine for the Northeast Lazy Daze Caravan Club Fall Rally. There were 36 LD's there. The biggest rally to date. On Thursday night we had "stone" soup. Stone soup is based on a tale about two peasants who had no food for their children so made soup by putting a stone in a pot of water. A person passing by saw this and put a carrot in the pot. Another passerby added a potato, etc., until finally the family had a nice pot of soup. To make Stone Soup everyone brings a can of vegetable stock plus something else to add to the soup. After a while you have a large pot of very tasty soup. On Friday night we had the traditional Pot Luck supper. Saturday was the lobster cookout. Two lobsters per person, streamer clams, corn on the cob, roasted onions & blueberry cake. All cooked at the campground. We had the most wonderful time catching up with our old friends and making new ones. We're hosting the annual Southeast Group Lazy Daze rally at Hanna Park, Jacksonville, FL, in March of next year. A lot of the people who were at Boothbay, winter in Florida so will be at Hanna Park.

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